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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Some interesting and creepy stories

I just wanna share some creepy stories from pinoyexchange.


In 1964, a University of Kansas freshman was driving home from a date with his girlfriend when he had an idea: if he pretended to run out of gas, he might be able to turn it into AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A BIT OF SLAP AND TICKLE. He stalled the car in a suitably secluded lane but his attempts at seduction failed-and, to make matters worse, when he tried the ignition, the car wouldn't start.

He told his girlfriend that he would run back to a gas station they'd passed a couple of miles back, cautioning her to lock all the doors and not, under any circumstances, to get out of the car. So the girl sat listening to the radio waiting for him to return. Then she heard a strange banging noise on the roof of the car.

She was tempted to get out and see what it was, but she remembered her boyfriend's warning to stay in the car. She turned up the radio but she could still hear the banging, louder now and more insistent. Then she saw blue flashing lights and heard a policeman telling her over a loudhailer to get out of the car and walk toward him without looking back.

She did as she was told except that at the last minute, like Lot's wife, she looked back. But instead of being turned into a pillar of salt, she saw a man she later discovered to be AN ESCAPED PSYCHOPATH SITTING ON TOP OF THE CAR BANGING ON THE ROOF WITH HER BOYFRIEND'S BLOODY SEVERED HEAD.


In July 1969, one-fifth of the world's population watched on television as Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the Moon. His famous utterance "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind" was interrupted by static and there has been argument ever since about whether he said "man" or "a man"-without the "a" his famous statement is meaningless.

Everyone then became so absorbed in watching him walk on the surface of the Moon that FEW PEOPLE THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT HE SAID NEXT. Footage of the moonwalk reveals that as he took his second step he said: "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky." Mission Control thought he was referring to a Soviet cosmonaut, but checks revealed that there was no cosmonaut by that name.

For years, the famously reticent Armstrong refused to divulge who he was referring to. But in July 1995, during a rare press conference in Florida, a reporter brought up the question again and Armstrong came clean. Saying that HE HOPED HE WOULDN'T CAUSE ANYONE EMBARASSMENT now that his childhood neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky had passed on, Armstrong explained that one summer as a child he had been playing baseball with his brother, who had hit the ball into the Gorsky's yard. When Neil went to collect the ball HE HAD DISTINCTLY HEARD MRS. GORSKY, through an open window, SAYING TO HER HUSBAND: "Lobster thermidor? You'll get a lobster thermidor the day the kid next door walks on the Moon."


During the 1960's, a teenage girl in Perth, Western Australia, was babysitting for neighbors who habitually phoned to check that the children had settled down for the night.

But when the phone rang as expected and the babysitter answered it, ALL SHE HEARD WAS HEAVY BREATHING. The phone rang again five minutes later, and this time she was reluctant to pick it up. However, thinking that it might be the neighbors wanting reassurance about the children, she did-and this time the crank caller said "I'm watching you," and BEGAN TO DESCRIBE WHAT SHE WAS WEARING. Scared stiff, the girl broke the connection and immediately dialed the police, who told her that if the crank called again she should keep him talking while they traced the call. Sure enough, as soon as she hung up the phone, it rang again, and this time the caller said, "I THINK YOU'D BETTER CHECK THE CHILDREN." laughed maniacally, and quickly slammed the phone down as though he was aware that the call might be traced.

The terrified girl locked all the doors and windows and ran upstairs to check on the children, ignoring the phone when it rang yet again. But the missed phone call was the police calling to tell her to get out of the house because the call had been traced to an upstairs extension. Coming down the staircase as she ran up it to the children was a MASKED MAN, COVERED IN BLOOD AND CARRYING A MEAT CLEAVER.


In 1996, a student at the University of Texas went to a party where he had a few beers and picked up a girl, who seemed surprisingly open to his advances. He was amazed and delighted when she suggested leaving the party and going to a bar where they could have a few more drinks in privacy, and even more staggered when she suggested going back to her hotel room.

But he didn't remember anything else until the next morning, when HE AWOKE NAKED IN A BATH OF ICE. He had a terrible headache and there was a dull ache in his lower back. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, trying to work out where he was, when he saw a note written on the wall in lipstick. It read: "CALL 911 OR YOU WILL DIE."

Still feeling groggy-which he assumed was a hangover from the alcohol he'd consumed-he picked up a telephone that had been left on a cabinet next to the bathtub. He called 911 and told the operator about the weird situation he was in. The operator told him not to make any sudden movements. WAS THERE A SMALL TUBE PROTRUDING FROM HIS LOWER BACK? To his horror, the student found that there was. The operator told him not to move from the bathtub of ice and to wait for an ambulance, which was being sent as a top priority-he was the latest victim of a gang that was targetting students and removing their kidneys for sale on the black market.

When this story was reported in student newspapers, the gangs found that students became wore wary, and so began targeting lone business travelers instead. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, reports emerged of similar horrors happening to business travelers in cities across the US, and later Europe. MOST OF THE VICTIMS WERE MEN SITTING ALONE HAVING A NIGHTCAP AT THE HOTEL BAR. A fellow businessman or attractive woman would offer to buy the victim a drink, and the next thing the hapless person would remember was waking up minus a kidney.


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